Raw Food Demonstration

Please join us for our Raw Food Demonstration hosted by a Certified Raw Food Chef, Katie Blume on Thur Febuary 7th 5- 7:30pm. Katie is the wife of a Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner, she enjoys preparing healthy delicious meals for her family and is a Yoga enthusiast. Katie eats a mostly Paleo diet with emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables. You can expect to leave with a full stomach (please come hungry), valuable recipes and helpful tips and tricks for quick food prep. Katie and her husband will be answering all your nutrition and health related questions so come prepared to learn and eat. Hope to see you at their in home Raw Food Demonstration at 11551 Charleston Pkwy in Fishers.

Cooking class $5. per person RSVP only so we know how much food to purchase Are you looking to revamp your eating habits in 2013 or maybe just learn some new recipes, tips and tricks…