Included in Your Birth Kit:
(Don’t purchase – you will receive around 36 weeks):
Each Birth Kit comes in a plastic storage container (see photo above) and contains the following supplies, which you do not need to purchase:
- Under pads (sterile)
- Bulb syringe
- Gauze/lap pads
- Arnica oil (used externally for swelling, bruising/trauma)
- Herb bath
- Mesh bag for herb bath
- Peri bottle
- Cold pack
- Hibiclens (if indicated)
- Straws
- Mesh panties
- Amnio swab
Please Gather/Purchase:
- 2 large trash bags
- 3 quarts of Knudsen recharge or coconut water (or make homemade labor aide)
- 1 bottle chlorophyll, at least ¾ full
- Food that you will eat in labor (protein and complex carbohydrates)
- Adequate food and snacks for family and birth attendants
- 8 to 10 dark colored clean washcloths (for compresses/cleanup)
- 1 box homemade (*see recipe section) or store bought, unscented, hypoallergenic baby wipes
- 1 working flashlight
- 12 soft and clean receiving blankets
- 2 large bottles of peroxide
- 1 laundry basket
- 2 weeks’ worth of menstrual pads (cloth or overnight heavy)
- Wireless internet password written on the fridge
- Snow shovel (if birthing in winter)
If Planning a Water Birth:
- 10 towels (not new)
- Plastic (i.e. a vinyl backed tablecloth, or shower curtain or visqueen) for under the tub.

You may Consider (Not Required):
- Camera and film/memory card
- A journal and pen
- Video camera, tripod
- Tape-recorder
- Thermometer
- Hair ties or pins
- Vomit bucket
- Ice bag
- Plastic under sheets
- Plastic trash bags over pillows
- New big brother or sister gifts
- Head of cabbage (engorgement help)
- Nursing pads
- Supportive sports or nursing bra
- Meals in the freezer
- Red raspberry tea
- Mirror
- Baby sling
- 1 soft, flat sheet
- Aquarium fish scoop
*Your Home4Birth team tries to ensure that nothing gets stained. However, there is a possibility that any linens listed above may get stained.
Hospital Bag: Rarely, a family must transport to the hospital. The following are suggested to make that transition as smooth as possible:
- Birth plan
- Food that mom will eat/dry snacks (e.g. granola bars, almonds, protein bars, etc.)
- Camera and film/memory card
- Nursing bra & underwear
- Maternity clothes to wear on trip home that are easy to nurse in
- Baby clothes
- Copy of insurance card
- Copy of driver’s license
- Phone chargers
- Pads
- Gas in your car
- A car seat installed in your car
- Sense of humor
Anderson Birthing Cottage:
- Gas in car
- Infant car seat
- 3 quarts of Knudsen recharge, coconut water (or homemade labor aide)
- 1 bottle liquid chlorophyll, at least ¾ full
- Food that you/your birth party will eat during labor/birth
- Baby clothes
- Baby diapers
- Baby wipes
- Robe
- Nursing gown or nightgown that is easy to nurse in
- Leggings (maternity) or pj bottoms
- Cell phones/chargers
- Menstrual pads
- 12 soft and clean receiving blankets
In order for things to run smoothly during the labor and birth of your baby, it is necessary and requested that all items be available and ready by 36 weeks of pregnancy.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this list, please discuss it well in advance of your due date. It is Home4Birth’s goal for you to have a healthy, prepared, and positive experience and we look forward to sharing this special time with you.